MSMS History of Medicine - Michigan's Malarial Past

Monday, March 18, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM   iCalendar

MSMS History of Medicine
Michigan's Malarial Past
Monday, March 18, 2024
7:00 – 8:00 PM EST 


The challenge of mosquitoes and malaria to early settlers of Michigan was profound.  Alexis de Tocqueville, who visited Michigan in July of 1831, commented a number of times as to how burdensome the mosquitoes were.  The state of Michigan was known to early 19th cnetury Americans as as area profuse with swamps, disease and other hardships.  Malaria was so widespread throughout the regions that all expected to suffer from it and is was viewed as less a disease than simple a reality of life.  During ths webinar, Doctor Carl Doud, Director of Midland County Mosquito Control will discuss the history of malaria in Michigan and efforts to reduce the mosquito burden.

This presentation is free, but registration is required.  Click here to register Registration Link and receive the zoom link.  The presentation will be recorded for viewing at a later date.  

If you have issues with registration, contact or (517) 336-5790.



For More Information

Contact: MSMS Education Department at or 517-336-5790